Artist In Residency

One of Studio Plesungan’s program is to support artists from all over Indonesia and the world who needs to have a space to work and stay in Solo area. We know that travelling is always interesting for artists if they also can be in contact with local art and cultural environment. Since 2015 Studio Plesungan opens an artist in residency programs, where artists can apply to stay and work in the studio. Studio Plesungan opens opportunity for artists (visual arts, dance, theatre, music and lliterature) to stay in our residency houses.
We have three different houses, facilitated with bathroom, kitchen, and wifi. The residency house is located within a three minutes walking distance from Studio Plesungan, in a area of Studio Taksu, which is a partner  of Studio Plesungan.

We offer an Artist in Residency program and Artist in Transit program.

Artist in Residency

With our very simple accommodation and housing, we are giving a host. The range of the residency depends on the project proposed and funding resource. We are open for collaboration in terms of project management, programming and budgeting.

We reiterate that we are not covering the artist’s travel and production expense, nevertheless we can provide any letter to support fund applications.

Artist in Transit

Artist in Transit are artists, curators, writers, art and culture researchers who are travelling to Indonesia and would like to stop over in Solo area for short term stay in maximum of two weeks. For Artist in Transit, we provide a simple house to stay, meal,  and studio space if needed. In return we would like to ask the artsits to give a small public presentation of their work in a form of artist talk or lecture.


Artists, writers, art and culture researchers, curators may submit to Ms. Annastasya Verina via email to

Along with your personal submission, please send :

  • Letter of intent
  • Project proposal
  • Traveling schedule
  • CV
  • Website link