Dance Laboratory Project (D_LAP ) is a research and development project that seeks to explore intercultural understanding, philosophical perceptions, technical and methodical approaches in choreography, dance and performance arts through stimulating critical discussions and practical exchange. D_LAP affords participating artists a rare opportunity to explore and expand ideas, as well as questioning and understanding the influence of cultural and artistic diversities.
Establishing a transnational network between participating artists in supporting self-sufficient artists is a main goal, with the long term intention of creating greater understanding, tolerance and space for emerging cutting edge artistic work. D_LAP invites artists from different cultural backgrounds and regions, however it does not focus on cultural or national representativeness. All together the project seeks to promote and stimulate critical discussion about the arts while bringing attention to DIY-methods, artistic strategies and cultural persistence.
D_LAP is an art project enacted by the setting up of a working space where differentiated parties can engage in the (at)tensions activated by the crossings of each other’s art practices, politics, ethics, cultures and daily life. A project therefore conceived as an ethical encounter, by the dwelling of a relational landscape, where differentiated motives, working strategies, tools and conditions may be examined, exchanged, and jointly developed.
D_LAP invites participants from various artistic practice to reflect upon some of the crucial issues around which we build the conditions for living together, whether in art or daily life. These issues will be addressed and challenged in both bodily and intellectual terms, by the enactment of each other’s choreographic and performance practice, and a continuous exchange of thoughts and concerns.
D-LAP is at first to be a knowledge generating project, which does not require an end production of a work from the participants. Nevertheless, an experimentation of ideas will be presented at the end of the program.
“Independent Platform” Dance Laboratory Project #2
D-LAP #2 is an ongoing project starting in June 2018 in Studio Plesungan. As the facilitator, Melati Suryodarmo has invited six independent choreographers from Solo. The platform is meant to engage the participants to be in an ongoing connection, exchanges, sharing and collaboration in various kind of activities. The platform is focusing on capacity buildings around the management, creative writings, networking, archiving and documenting.
Studio Plesungan supports the participants by providing opportunities to collaborate in developing creative projects, economical strategy and education. The Independent Platform arrange regular meetings and discussions to strengthen the spirit of creation by supporting each other.
Laboratory Activities
The laboratory runs under a working frame, which is arranged by the collective. The platform is organic which continuation is generated by the participants according to focus and urgency.
Main Activities
Exchange and Discourse
Understanding Aesthetics and Influences
Understanding Dramaturgy
Understanding Archive and self archiving management
Managing documentation
Understanding production
Practical Application
Inviting guest speakers
The facilitator and participants are inviting several guests to share various focus such as on curatorial, dramaturgy, costume design, light design, set design, book keeping, etc.
Participating in Studio Plesungan Programs
Participants are on the priority lists of artists to join any event which Studio Plesungan is organizing. Besides becoming participants, they also can work in the management and administration, including program management and educator.
The platform participants are having regular meeting to share activities in a critical and supportive manner.