1 – 30 November 2022
Claudia Bosse is our Artist in Residence at our studio space with her project :
ORACLE and SACRIFICE, a project which conducts research into oracles and sacrifices in the future and past with a practice of poetic acts that touch the inside and outside of the body and the inside and outside of the world.
In ORACLE and SACRIFICE, organs become a medium of poetic oracle and communication with the future.
This work is inspired by the Babylonians and Etruscans blood sacrifices and viscera, in which the political future was read from the organs of killed animals. The liver oracle was practiced especially by Etruscans; organs from animals killed in a sacrificial ritual were interpreted. Perhaps sacrifices are rituals of collective agreement that deal with the trauma that require the protection of the vulnerable community.
The work is questioning the ability of the environment’s ecology, the surrounding external, global political decisions and cosmic relationships as well as future forms of community to be read from the internal body, from the organs.
What if we carried our future in our organs?
In ORACLE and SACRIFICE, organs become a medium of poetic oracle and communication with the future.
Claudia Bosse lives in Vienna and Berlin, is a director, choreographer, artist and directs the transdisciplinary constellation theatercombinat. Her works negotiate forms of violence, history and concrete utopias. She understands her expansive choreographies as “art of a temporary community” – also with non-human beings – in which she interweaves myths, rituals, texts and documents with bodies, language, objects and choirs to create pieces. Inside and outside Europe, in museums, architectures, theatres, landscapes and urban spaces, she develops site-specific works, performances and interventions.
She teaches, holds divers Guest professor ships, delivers lectures, publishes, initiates and participates in research projects and continuously collaborates with artists and theorists of different genres. in autumn 2021 she initiated the PPS intergenerational public performance school in vienna and TPA translocal performative academy for space related performative practice which operates in digital space and analog encounters and brings mid career artist from asia and europe in an 4 year lasting ongoing artistic exchange.
She is currently working on the performance BONES and STONES, premiering at the end of February 2023 at Tanzquartier Wien, as part of the four-year project ORGAN/ism poetics of relation and commune 1-73 with 73 fragments on the Paris Commune of 1871.
Most recently: ORACLE and SACRIFICE in the woods with brut vienna, the assembly of different beings at FFT düsseldorf, ORACLE and SACRIFICE 1 or the evacuation of the present at Tanzquartier Vienna and FFT Düsseldorf, Pumpenhaus Münster and Impuls Dance Festival Vienna, the last IDEAL PARADISE in Jakarta,
2009 Nestroy PRIze for bambiland 2008, 2014 invitation with designed desires to the Austrian Dance Platform, 2018 invitation to the German Dance Platform with the last IDEAL PARADISE.

ORACLE and SACRIFICE oleh Claudia Bosse / theatercombinat
Selasa, 29 November 2022
Jam 16:00 – 18:00 WIB
di Studio Plesungan
Pada hari Selasa tanggal 29 November 2022, kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Saudara untuk menyaksikan sebuah pertunjukan menjelang senja di pelataran Studio Plesungan oleh theatercombinat, sebuah kelompok pertunjukan transdisipliner yang diinisiasi oleh Claudia Bosse. Claudia Bosse adalah seniman pertunjukan dari Wina, Austria. Pada kesempatan ini, Claudia akan membawakan karya pertunjukan bertajuk “ORACLE and SACRIFICE”.
ORACLE and SACRIFICE terinspirasi oleh bentuk pengorbanan darah dan visi orang-orang Babilonia dan Etruria, di mana masa depan politik dibaca melalui organ-organ hewan yang dikorbankan. Ramalan hati dipraktikkan secara khusus oleh orang-orang Etruska; organ hewan yang dibunuh dalam ritual pengorbanan menjadi praktik yang ditafsirkan dalam karya ini . Claudia bekerja dengan hubungan antara organ dalam tubuh dan dunia. Pecah belah hubungan dalam ramalan dan pengorbanan disalurkan sebagai (menyerupai-)objek dan narasi performatif dengan tubuh dan materi visual, seperti gerak, perubahan, bunyi, bahasa, dan suara.
Pertunjukan ini akan dilanjutkan dengan sesi Bincang Seniman yang dipandu oleh Halim HD sebagai pemantik diskusi.
Pertunjukan ini tidak menarik biaya tiket (gratis).
Penonton diharapkan sedia payung dan jas hujan.
Kontak dan informasi:
HP / WA: 082133229593
website: www.studioplesungan.org
#studioplesungan #theatercombinat #senipertunjukan #surakarta #tari #teater #performanceart